Following combinations also define accidents in some form:
1. If in the Leo ascendant Moon is present along with the Sun(master of Leo) and Rahu sits in 12th, it can define sudden severe accident, which can be life threatening.
2. Mars, Saturn and Ketu form a conjunction in 7th house of spouse in D1 or D9 chart then the native's spouse can commit suicide or have a fatal accident.
3. The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in 8th house in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius can cause accident by fire.
4. The Lord of 7th is present with Mars and Saturn (or under aspect of both if them), then an accident is inevitable.
Most of the time these accidents or mishaps can occur when the Mahadasa/Antardasa or Pratyantar of the the lords of 2nd, 6th, 7th or 8th house lords is going on.
All the above combinations that have been described above must be considered after noting the aspect/conjunction of benefics/yogkarakas/friends with the ascendant lord and/or the combination described.