Articles on Vedic Astrology. Please feel free to comment and leave a remark. Thanks.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Special Aspects of Outer Planets...4

Saturn, predominantly the most dreaded planet in the astrological world, also has special aspects. As I have already mentioned, Saturn delays things, but rarely denies. And your have to be very very righteous in your life if you have to please Saturn. You can offer whatever you have - lots of oil, til (sesame seeds), black cloth, iron stuff and all, as much quantity as you want, but the best way to ward away evils of Saturn is to change yourself. That comes from within, as you can guess. 

Saturn is the master of Justice and delays. If you see things getting delayed in your life, most of the time Saturn is responsible. It wants you to learn lessons of life, the hard way. Justice is another aspect of Saturn, it has orders from Lord Shiv to carry out the justice! And you know very well, it does that successfully, in fact it has the authority for that! So, as I said offer anything but change yourself if you wanna please Saturn. 

Be righteous, don't indulge in any politics at workplace to get ahead of others, never indulge in infidelity, take care of your ageing parents in whatever best way you can, be respectful towards subordinates, elders and Gurus, and avoid castigating others specially if Saturn influences your first/second house; and help the needy in best manner! Saturn will definitely shower its blessings over you! 

to be continued...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Special Aspects of Outer Planets...3

Coming to Devaguru Jupiter, well, I have always laid importance of its presence in center. So, I will explain the special aspect of Jupiter with its presence in 1st house in Cancer where it is exalted. Some kids with this configuration will be born when Jupiter will be exalted from Jun 19, 2014 for one whole year. That will be a real good time for people born under Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio signs. The special aspect for Jupiter is explained in the below diagram.

So Jupiter showers its blessings over houses 1 (where it is located), house 5 (the house of children), house 7 (house of your spouse) and house 9 (house of luck). During the major/minor period of Jupiter and when Jupiter transits these houses, you can see special events such as birth of a child (house 5), marriage (house 7) or may be higher education (house 9). Well, actually if Jupiter is present in houses 1,4,5,7, 9,10 it does influence the native to go for higher studies and such a Jupiter takes care of several negative things which actually do not happen! Such is the blessing of the Devaguru. Also, When you will run through Jupiter major/minor period you might actually find a true adviser/Guru in your life, may be someone who will change the direction of the course of your life!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Special Aspects of Outer Planets...2

Coming back to special aspects. Well following holds true for Mars:

Mars aspects the fourth and the eighth house from its location besides the first and seventh. In that case, Mars will influence planets located in 1st, 4th, 7th and 8th houses and also the activities of that house, specially during its major/minor period and during transits through those houses. The below diagram can help you understand this concept better:

As you can see, Mars is present in house 1, numbered 8 because the ascendant is Scorpio. Hence it will influence all houses and planets in Scorpio (8), Aquarius (11), Taurus (7) and Gemini (3). We must also know that depending upon the sign the planet aspects, it aspects will be inimical or friendly. In the above example, Mars will actually negatively influence the first house positively (since it is the master of Scorpio), while it will mostly negative influence the other houses (4,7,8) since it is enemy to Saturn (Lord of 4th), Venus (Lord of 7th) and Mercury (Lord of 8th), unless otherwise influenced by any other planet. So, if you have above configuration in your chart (Mars located in first house in Scorpio), then during Mars major/minor period you can see positive influence with respect to your personality (indicated by first house) but negatively with respect to your Mother and Spouse (indicated by 4th and 7th house) and may be interest in occult (indicated by 8th house). One thing to keep in mind is that, even though Mars is influencing these houses and planets situated herein, the final result still lies with master of that house. So, in all above example, Saturn, Venus and Mercury are the final judge in giving you what you deserve. Actually, Mars might not be able to give its negative result if these planets are well placed!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Special Aspects of Outer Planets...1

I thought I will put forth some theory that I had read earlier. The outer planets namely Mars, Jupiter and Saturn lay special aspects. But before moving further I would like to state what does aspect mean? I have mentioned this term before too. Aspect means affect in the current context. Whenever a planet aspects another planet, it actually has the right to influence that planet. All the planets affect and influence the planets in the first house (where the planet is situated) and the seventh house. You have to count anti-clockwise (in the North Indian style of horoscopes) from the first house where the planet is situated and then count till 7.  For example in the below pic, Sun is located in house 1 (Aries ascendant, hence exalted), so it will influence(aspect) any planets present in Aries or Libra (7th house). It will also influence activities connected with that house (houses 1 and 7, I have written about them earlier). 

During the Sun major/minor period, the native will witness the influence of Sun on the activities of these houses too. Also, when Sun will transit through these houses, the native will witness the activities with respect to these houses.

More in the next post...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Recovering from bad health...2

Greater period/sub period of a favorable planet - If you have been going through bad health for quite some time, just look for the coming periods. If the coming periods are that of your ascendant lord (which is located well and is strong), or of the yogkaraka planets or of a friendly planet, then general recovery is indicated for the native from the long time disease. Refer to the following table:

Ascendant Sign Planet which is yogkaraka
Aries ----
Taurus Saturn
Gemini ----
Cancer Mars
Leo Mars
Virgo ----
Libra Saturn
Scorpio ----
Sagittarius ----
Capricorn Venus
Aquarius Venus
Pisces ----

E.g. if the period/sub period for Saturn is beginning for the person with Taurus/Libra ascendant then good health/recovery is indicated.

Besides the above, if there is a favorable transit (for the ascendant/ascendant Lord) is going on. The above table is valid for transits also. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Recovering from bad health...1

It does not matter how you have your benefic planets are placed, because sometime or the other malefic planets come in action and cause havoc in life. They bring in bad health, diseases and hence bring life to a stand still. presence of good health indicators can definitely improve conditions. Note the following:

1. Strong lord of the ascendant - This is a very strong indication of how much and how quickly a person can recuperate from his/her bad health.

2. Strength of the Lord of 6th house - sixth house is house of diseases. For more details read the blog post from March 20, 2013. If 6th lord is healthy/strong the person will enjoy awesome recovering power.

3. Jupiter's aspect to the ascendant lord or the ascendant also brings in good recovering power.

4. Presence of a friend/benefic along with ascendant Lord or aspecting the ascendant Lord also indicates quick recovery.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bad health indicators...4

If the Moon is not well placed, general bad health condition is indicated. Note the following:

a) Moon is debilitated or/and
b) Moon is in enemy's home or/and 
c) Moon is lacking in paksha bal or/and 
d) Moon is with with malefic planets before and after it. 

Moon lacks the paksha bal by being close to Sun. It means that it must be as further from Sun as possible and possibly with a benefic planet. Moon has least paksha bal when it is the new moon day. As you will realize a healthy mind promotes healthy body and it has been endorsed by our elders since long time. And the moon indicates the mind. For a good/healthy mind, well, if you have been reading my blog, you know that your Moon must be strong and well placed. If not well, you can read the below posts for some help:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bad health indicators...3

Following also indicate bad health in a native:

1. If the eighth lord is weak then the native will have a weak constitution and may have general bad health.

2. If the Atmakaraka is weak then also native can have bad health. Besides this if the Sun is weak, the native will have bad health.

3. Houses 3, 6 and 11 don't have any malefic planets. 

4. Malefic planets must not be present in houses 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10. They will give worse results if they are retrograde.

5. Benefic planets in eigth house indicate a bad health for native. 

6. When the ascendant lord, Sun or Moon are accompanied by Gulika and/or Mandi, adverse health is indicated. If they are present in 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 then also indicate bad health and bad recovering state of the native.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Bad health indicators...2

There are some more indicators that indicate bad health as well as a worse recuperating power of the native:

1. The ascendant lord is weak because it is combust (located very close to the Sun) or debilitated. 

2. It is in the house of enemy.

3. The ascendant lord is in 6th, 8th or 12th. 

4. It is under influence of malefic planets, through aspect. 

5. The ascendant lord has malefic planets before and after it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bad health indicators...1

In the previous posts I have mentioned the good health indicators. As you can imagine the reverse of the good health indicators will show bad health in natives. Some of the factors are explained below:

1. The ascendant (first house) is occupied by malefic planets.

2. If malefic planets aspect the ascendant, mostly when they are enemies of the ascendant lord.

3. Ascendant has adverse yogas. E.g. Paap Kartari yoga is formed when we have 2 malefic planet before and after the ascendant, i.e., in the 12th and 2nd house. OR even worse the ascendant has Sun and Moon together (birth on the new moon day).

4. The ascendant has debilitated planets. Refer to the below table.

Ascendant Sign Planet which is debilitated
Aries Saturn
Taurus ----
Gemini ----
Cancer Mars
Leo ----
Virgo Venus
Libra Sun
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius ----
Capricorn Jupiter
Aquarius ----
Pisces Mercury

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good Health Indicators...5

Following also indicate good health for a native. Also, they indicate the recuperating power of the native.

1. Presence of Saturn in eighth house - Saturn naturally signifies longevity and hence when it sits in house of longevity, house 8, it promotes good health if the native.

2. Strength of eighth lord - If the lord of eighth house is also strong, the good health of the native is further assured.

3. Benefics are direct - If the benefics are retrograde, they pose health challenges significantly. Hence, if they are direct, they will assure good health.

4. Shubha Kartari yoga for ascendant - If the ascendant has benefics in houses in 2nd and 12th houses, good health is indicated.

As indicated in earlier posts, the Sun is the naturally signifies your soul. So we must strengthen the soul (by strengthening Sun). For more details read the following:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Good Health Indicators...4

One of the songs that I found on Internet which is good for meditation, if heard in low volume:

Following are also indicators of good health:

1. Moon and its association - If Moon is strong and without any malefic planet and only with benefic planets, good health in general is assured. If Moon has 2 benefic planets around it, the health will be better. You must  have heard the term, good mind drives good health, hence this formation!

2. Malefic planets in 3, 6 and 11 - These 3 houses, in general denote bad houses. But malefics, when present in these houses make the native stronger, capable of fighting with diseases, and give good immune system.

3. Strong Atmakaraka - Atmakaraka, is the planet in your chart which has advanced most degrees in its location or house where it is present. If the atmakaraka is exalted or in own house, it will be strong, hence assuring good health.

4. Strengh of Sun - Sun is naturally signifies your physical health. Hence, if is strong in your chart, it will promote your health.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Good Health Indicators...3

As indicated earlier, the Lord of ascendant is the most important planet for you! It is called the main planet and to read more about it see the following post:

How does it influence your health? Here it goes:

1. If your ascendant lord is exalted or in own house, you will definitely have good health.
2. If is Vargottama, that is, it is located in same house in both D1 and D9 charts, it indicates good health in general.
3. If your ascendant lord is present in any of the following houses - 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 you will enjoy general good health.
4. If it is present in a friend's palace (home), then also health will be good. If the ascendant lord is under aspect of friend(s) good health is assured.
5. If the lord of your ascendant is with benefic planets have their aspect, good health is prospected.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Good Health Indicators...2

The most important factor that governs your health is the health of your ascendant. Oh yes! The ascendant is single most important factor of good health! It is strong if you see following indications in one's chart:

1. Ascendant is Vargottama. It actually means that same number is written in House 1 for D1 (main chart) and the D9 (the Navmansa). For example, if your ascendant is Leo and ascendant in D9 is also Leo, then your ascendant is Vargottama and hence very strong!

2. Ascendant has benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon (of brighter half of month). This could be true even when the benefic is enemy to ascendant. E.g. in case of Leo ascendant Venus' presence will give good health. Also, if benefics occupy houses 5 and 9, they give good health. Also, aspect of benefics over ascendant helps a lot! 

3. When ascendant lord sits in ascendant or aspects it, the ascendant grows in strength. E.g Mars putting aspect on Scorpio ascendant (owned by Mars), from Leo (in 10th).

4. Presence of Rajyogas is another thing to consider. If one has several Rajyogas associated with ascendant, then good health is assured. E.g. for Virgo ascendant, if the Lord Mercury and Venus combine together in 10th house, good health is assured.

Shri Krishna at New Vrindaban

Recently I got a chance to visit New Vrindavan in West Virginia. I have posted my experience in the below posts. But before that, if you could, then please contribute an organization that is trying to help people caught/stranded/injured in the Uttarakhand in India due to severe weather conditions. If you are unable to help, then just pray for them.


Following are the posts:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama 
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good Health Indicators...1

Whatever happens, everyone desires good health. And good health paves way for success. Well healthy mind and healthy are the most important ingredient for success. For a good mind, well, if you have been reading my blog, you know that your Moon must be strong and well placed. If not well, you can read the below posts for some help:

So many links right? That actually indicates how important Moon is, and the things it governs - Your Mother, your mind and your luck! Moon generally signifies all these and many others 'things'. 

Actually Moon is a benefic planet, and in the coming posts you will come to know how important are other benefic planets too, specially as far as health is concerned. So, to start I can say one thing if your ascendant is strong also the Lord of ascendant and Lord of 6th house, you are too lucky! More to come...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 12

The twelfth house is the 12th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 12th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 7th house is also called the Vyaya Sthan (the house of losses/expenditures). It corresponds to the native's inner self, ordeals underwent his whole life through, hidden enemies, and serious illnesses. It is related to places of confinement such as hospitals, prisons, convents, etc., and also includes solitude and major inner crises. 

The master of 12th must not be present in ascendant or 11th house, otherwise, the native suffers with deep losses in life, specially related to finances. If Jupiter is present in 12th house, the native will spend money in spiritual activities. 

The 12th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Losses in general.
2. Expenditures
3. Paternal uncles
4. Detachment, surrender, renouncing
5. Waste and expenditures
6. Secrets, secret enemies, involvement in scandals, disgrace and sorrows
7. Success through occult activities
8. Feet, left eye, disturbed sleep, mental imbalance, physical imbalance, hospitalization, crippled limbs, death
9. One's own bedroom, foreign lands, exile, confinement
10. Incarceration (formation of Karawas yog in 12th by combination of Saturn + Ketu).
11. Past life and the path of one's soul

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 12th house, you will see the above significations of 12th house, taking prominence in your life. 

It is suggested that one must get married to someone who has most/major planets in one's 12th house. In that case your partner will be able to understand your hidden desires more easily. E.g. If someone is born with Virgo ascendant, he will have Leo as 12th house. So, he must get married to someone who has many planets or at least Moon in Leo. His partner will be able to understand him good!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Krishna's Blessings - 25000

Hare Krishna,

Yesterday night, by the grace of Lord Krishna, when I was in deep sleep, this blog hit 25000 pageviews. It was a year ago when this blog got its rebirth, when I wrote the following post:

It was after a gap of approximately 17 months, I had restarted my blog. I also changed the webpage path to easier one. Oneastrovedic - I chose this name since the scriptures say that there is just one 'super power', who controls this world. Hence the name. 

Following is some more info (May 21, 2013):

Total pageviews - 25000
Countries - 72 (since Sep. 2012)
Continents - All (except Antarctica)
Visitors - 3143 (since Sep. 2012)
US Statistics - hits from 35/51 states

In the coming year you will read on the following topics:

1. Good Health indicators
2. Bad health indicators
3. Recovering from bad health
4. Special aspects of planets
5. Accidents
6. Combinations of Wealth (Dhan yoga) 
and much more. 

I humbly request you to shower your blessings over me and take me as servant of Lord Krishna, who is trying to share his knowledge through this channel.

Thanks for reading this blog!

Hare Krishna,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 11

The eleventh house is the 11th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 11th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 11th house is also called the Labh Sthan (the house of your gains/earnings). The eleventh house signifies profit, income, wealth. It represents the native's projects, his friends, and his protectors. It describes the nature of his friends, his group activities, and the place he occupies within the group.

The 11th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Gains in general
2. Income, profit, wealth earned through job.
3. Success in undertakings, prosperity.
4. Elder siblings
5. Dawn of fortune
6. Abundance, possession of desired objects
7. Legs, left ear, ankles, alternate location of a disease (6th from 6th) and recovery from illness.

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 11th house, you will see the above significations of 11th house, taking prominence in your life. All the planets, when placed in 11th house, tend to give good results to the native related to the house they rule.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 10

The tenth house is the 10th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 10th house is present in exaltation or in own house, especially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 10th house is also called the Karma Sthan (father or profession). It corresponds to the native's professional career, as well as his social elevation as compared to his family background. It symbolizes his ambitions and his achievements in the society. It is also related to the general public, potential fame, and the mother's influence. Some astrologers say that this house also represents the father of the native while others say it is house 9 for father.

The 10th house mostly signifies the following:

1. The profession of the native.
2. Honor, dignity, power, esteem, vocational activities, talents that are visible to the world.
3. Credit and recognition for the work done, promotion, advancement in job.
4. Relations with higher authorities, honor/prizes/awards from Government, high posts such as VP, CEO etc.
5. Stability and permanency in job
6. Fame, ambition, authority
7. Knee joints, patella bone

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 10th house, you will see the above 
significations of 10th house, taking prominence in your life. The 10th represents the highest position in sky when a native is born. Hence, it signifies, a native's direction and goals in life and success in those. Planets which are placed in 10th house are very strong, and manifest a strong influence in native's life. Depending upon the planets the goals and missions of native are oriented. The planets in house 10 make the person ambitious, outgoing and achievement-oriented.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 9

The ninth house is the 9th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 9th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 9th house is also called the Bhagya Sthan (the house of your luck). It is the realm of spirituality and philosophy, higher ideals, faraway travels, both physical and inner ones. This house represents higher education. It is also related to law and legality, and religion.

The 9th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Luck in general
2. Dharma or the spiritual path a native follows, righteousness, doing good actions, good karma, justice, moral and ethics
3. Faith, wisdom, divine worship, philosophy, religious disposition
4. Meditation, intuition, sacrifices and charity, dreams and visions
5. Long journeys and pilgrimages
6. Higher education
7. Hips, thighs and knees.

The 9th house is the preliminary house which must be judged to know how righteous a person is. The 9th house must specially be non-afflicted. It must not have a malefic or enemy to the ascendant lord. Good luck in general is because of past Good Karma. Hence is the connection between luck and karma. During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 9th house, you will see the above significations of 9th house, taking prominence in your life. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 8

The eighth house is the 8th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 8th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 7th house is also called the Ayur Sthan (the house of your age/longevity). It concerns the native's birth and death. However, it does not necessarily mean actual physical death. It may be a symbolic death, and thus, it is synonymous with evolution and transformation. This house also represents inheritances, money earned by other people, but also sexuality, power, all things hidden, and interest in occultism.

The 8th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Longevity or age of the native; in-laws.
2. Interest in Occult Sciences such as Astrology, Yoga, Chakra Healing and Kundalini Yoga. 
3. Inheritance, legacy, will.
4. Misery, misfortune, sorrow, loss, theft, robbery, disappointment
5. Obstruction to flow of life, material prosperity and mental well-being.
6. Mostly 4 and 5 happen if the Lord of eighth is afflicted and weak.
7. If the Lord of eighth is strong, it will give long age to the native and opposite of 4 and 5.
8. External genitalia, anal orifice, chronic diseases
9. Sudden ups and downs, surgeries, death and rebirth, government taxes, secret and hidden things.

It is basically a difficult house as far as material aspects of life are concerned.  It helps native in general spiritual awakening. During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 8th house, you will see the above significations of 8th house, taking prominence in your life. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 7

The seventh house is the 7th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 7th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 7th house is also called the Kalatra Sthan (the house of your wife/spouse/relationships). This house is of utmost importance since it represents one of the most important aspects of one's life. One's life partner is someone with whom you share a lot of things, and some of them you don't share with anyone else in this world. So, it is very necessary that the lord of 7th house is in good position and it must be taken into consideration only 2nd to 1st house. One must definitely work towards strengthening the lord of 7th house. 

The 7th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Your life partner/spouse etc.
2. Your relationships in general
3. Partnerships and Business (people other than the native and native's relationship with them)
4. Friends and specifically the world in which you move around
5. Large intestine, rectum, uterus, ovaries and testes
6. Prostate gland, seminal vesicle, urethra, anal canal, and semen
7. Sexual union
8. Influence, success and reputation in foreign travels.

It is through the 7th house that the native perceives other people. During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 7th house, you will see the above significations of 7th house, taking prominence in your life. The number of planets present in 7th house can actually indicate the number of people with whom you can have a 'serious' relationship. The prediction of marriage/serious relationship can also be done by looking at the master of 7th house, its dasa, antardasa or any planet affecting it or 7th house. The same is valid for transits too. The relationships are also considered via the divisional chart D9. The 7th house in D9 will indicate the nature of your partner. It will also indicate the stability of your relationship.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 6

The sixth house is the 6th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 6th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 5th house is also called the Shatru Sthan (the house of enemies/diseases). In order to be free of diseases and enemies the lord of this house, must be, as compared to that of ascendant Lord, be less strong. 

The 6th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Enemies
2. Diseases, wounds, injuries, operations
3. Service, debts and litigation
4. Struggle in general, obstacles, disagreements, divorces.
5. Small intestine, appendix, kidney, upper ureter
6. Mental agony, phlegmatic, poison
7. Eye disease
8. Tuber culosis and eruptive diseases (such as small pox) and tumors, ulcers and inflammations
9. Mother's younger brother

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 6th house, you will see the above significations of 6th house, taking prominence in your life. If a malefic such as Mars, Sun, Saturn or Rahu is present in 6th house, the native will defeat his enemies easily. If Rahu is present, the native will have stomach related problems.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Navratri in April, 2013

This year Navratri is starting from April 10-11. So following are the links that you might want to read once again, just in case:

Please note the exact timings as below:

In India the Shukla Pratipata (the first date of the month of Chaitra) will start around 5 pm on 10th April, 2013, while in the United States (CST) it will start at around 6 am on April 10, 2013. It will start at around 12 noon GMT on the 10th April, 2013. So, between these countries, please find the exact date and time. Also, please refer to the local priest for confirmation.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 5

The fifth house is the 5th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 5th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 5th house is also called the Santan Sthan (the house of progeny). If the native has strong master of 5th house, he/she will have talented and bright children. The children will be obedient and will be greatly attached to the native. Besides the 5th house, we also consider the divisional chart D7 for happiness from kids and their future etc. 

The 5th house mostly signifies the following:

1. The children of the native
2. Romance in life of native
3. Spiritual grace, 
4. Virtues from previous lives,
5. Heart, upper abdomen, stomach, liver
6. Gall bladder, spleen, mind, thinking, pancreas.
7. Pregnancy

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 5th house, you will see the above significations of 5th house, taking prominence in your life. Most of the time the prediction of birth is kids is taken as per timing relaed to dasa of 5th lord or planets aspecting/influencing the 5th house/lord. We must also consider D7 for such predictions. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 4

The fourth house is the 4th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 4th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 2nd house is also called the Matra Sthan (the house of mother). If the master of 4th house is good, the person will have great support from his/her mother. The native will also be attached to his/her mother. In addition, if Moon is also good the bond between the native and his/her mother will be stronger. For this sake, Moon must be exalted (in Taurus), in own house (Cancer), in the 4th house and/or the 10th house. 

The 4th house mostly signifies the following:

1. The mother of native
2. Immovable property such as house etc.
3. Vehicles
4. Material comforts
4. Chest, lungs, heart, diaphragm
5. Basic education
6. Ability to sing, dance and enjoy music

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 4th house, you will see the above significations of the 4th house, taking prominence in your life.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 3

The third house is the 3rd house from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 3rd house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 3rd house is also called the Parakram Sthan (the house of might, valor and audacity). The strength of this house indicates how much can a native work hard and how much can he get results out of his hard work. 

The 3rd house mostly signifies the following:
1. Might, valor, audacity; risk-taking, courage attitude leading to self-esteem!
2. Younger brothers and sisters
3. Short journeys
4. Adventures that a person undertakes
5. Foreign visits
6. Ears (right ear), throat, neck, shoulders, upper limbs, mental stability, collar bones
7. Dreams, physical fitness, physical growth

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 3rd house, you will see the above significations of 3rd house, taking prominence in your life. Presence of Sun and/or Mars in this house is considered extremely lucky. The native will win in lawsuits of any sort, if they are present in this house. If the ascendant lord is present in 3rd house, the native will be fearless as a tiger. If Saturn is present, the native will fear from the unknown.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 2

The second house is the 2nd from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 2nd house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 2nd house is also called the Dhan Sthan (the house of money). Hence, if you want to have a lot of money, you will need the lord of this house very strong. If the master of this house is strong, you will inherit a good amount of money in your life. If the master of 2nd house will reside in 12th house then you will have a lot of money, but it will drain away from you. You will not even realize the reasons, but still the money will not stay with you.

The 2nd house mostly signifies the following:
1. Your immediate family.
2. Money.
3. Right eye.
4. Face and upper jaw.
5. Lips, teeth, tongue, mouth, oral cavity, nose, speech, nails, steadiness of mind.

Hence, to judge the above we must consider the 2nd house. If the ascendant Lord is present in 2nd house, the person is centric on the above indicated things, money and family! During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 2nd house, you will see the above significations of 2nd house, taking prominence in your life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...ascendant...2

The ascendant is considered most important house in a birth chart. The strength of ascendant and its Lord is considered utmost important when determining general success in life. A person with strong ascendant will be bold and very strong in keeping his opinions/views etc. If the ascendant lord is exalted or in own house the person will be strong physically. He will have success depending upon location of ascendant lord.

In general the ascendant signifies the following:
1. Your physical existence or your body. 
2. Your will power.
3. Your physical strength.
4. Your physical beauty.
5. Your head and hair. 
6. Brain, appearance, skin, sleep, longevity
7. Freedom from ill-health, longevity and old age
8. Ability to perform work

The ascendant must be considered a temple and hence the planets present in it must be considered deities of the temple. An inimical planet (planet that is malefic for the Lagna) must, preferably be not present in the ascendant. Following is the list of planets that are ascendants and the planets that are malefics/benefics to it:

Lagna Benefics Malefics
Aries (Mesha) Sun, Jupiter Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Taurus (Vrish) Sun, Saturn Moon, Jupiter
Gemini (Mithun) Venus Mars, Jupiter
Cancer (Karka) Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury, Venus
Leo (Sinha) Sun, Mars, Jupiter Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Virgo (Kanya) Mercury, Venus Moon, Jupiter, Mars
Libra (Tula) Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Scorpio (Vrishchik) Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Sagittarius (Dhanu) Sun, Mars, Jupiter Venus
Capricorn (Makar) Mercury, Venus Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Aquarius (Kumbh) Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Pisces (Meen) Moon, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn

The planets that are present in ascendant will deliver their properties to the ascendant and hence influence the  native. For example, presence the Venus in ascendant will always make a native lover of beauty in general and also give the native a bent towards arts, similarly, Saturn will make native pessimistic and Sun will always keep the native in limelight. Hence, while judging a chart we must keep in mind these factors, besides the above malefic/benefic planets. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...ascendant...1

I have discussed several topics and from today I will discuss the twelve houses of the vedic charts. Each of the 12 houses have their own significations and give results to the native based upon the location of master of the house. Most of the time, if the Lord of a house is present in center (houses 1,4,7,10) then the planet will give at least some good results to the native even if the planet is enemy/malefic for the ascendant. The same is true when the planet is present in trine (1,5,9). 

The first house is called the ascendant or Lagna. The Lord of the Ascendant is called the Main Planet (mukhya grah). Ascendant is the zodiac sign which rises in the east when the child is born. As per the North Indian Vedic Astrology, the planets move anti-clockwise in a chart, but the zodiac signs move clockwise. Hence, if at 8 AM in the morning Capricorn is rising then at 10 AM we might have Aquarius/Pisces rising (depending on time for Capricorn to completely rising). For more details on the main planet, visit the following link:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Marriage and its Stability...4

9. If you have access to you D60 chart (if you can make your chart using JHora software) then following can be considered:

Note - D60 chart actually shows the things that you are bringing in to your current life from your past life. The time of your chart must be accurate if you need an accurate D60.

a) If with Moon, Rahu/Ketu are present, then your marriage will be unstable in this life because of external factors/people. For example, there might be people who don't want to see you happy together, so they will cause misunderstandings between you are and your partner and they will be successful to some extent. You need to eliminate such elements from your life, and you will hence be happy!

b) If in a boys chart he has a weak Venus (in enemies house or debilitated), it means that he misbehaved with his wife (due to N reasons), so he must be compensate with his current partner in this life. In such case he must need to change himself.

c) Similarly in a girl's chart, if she has a weak Mars and/or Jupiter, she must have misbehaved/done wrong to her partner in previous life. So, now is the time for her to rectify herself!

So, you can see that there are several combinations which can destabilize a relationship. But if you are really serious about your married life, you can strengthen your lord of 7th house and also Ve, Ma or Ju as applicable to gain confidence in your relationship! All the best!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Marriage and its Stability...3

7. If in a girl's D9 chart she has a good Mars and/or Jupiter (own house, exalted or in friend's house), however big problems she is facing with her partner, things will finally settle down and bring in happiness in her life.

8. Similarly in a boys chart, even if his Venus is weak in D1, if Ve is showing gain in strength in D9 chart (own house, exalted or in friend's house), then definitely, things will turn out to be good as the time will pass.

Now, it does not mean that you have a weak Venus, Mars or Jupiter, they cannot be strengthened. Following are the posts that you can revisit: