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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Good Health Indicators...4

One of the songs that I found on Internet which is good for meditation, if heard in low volume:

Following are also indicators of good health:

1. Moon and its association - If Moon is strong and without any malefic planet and only with benefic planets, good health in general is assured. If Moon has 2 benefic planets around it, the health will be better. You must  have heard the term, good mind drives good health, hence this formation!

2. Malefic planets in 3, 6 and 11 - These 3 houses, in general denote bad houses. But malefics, when present in these houses make the native stronger, capable of fighting with diseases, and give good immune system.

3. Strong Atmakaraka - Atmakaraka, is the planet in your chart which has advanced most degrees in its location or house where it is present. If the atmakaraka is exalted or in own house, it will be strong, hence assuring good health.

4. Strengh of Sun - Sun is naturally signifies your physical health. Hence, if is strong in your chart, it will promote your health.

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