Articles on Vedic Astrology. Please feel free to comment and leave a remark. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 7

The seventh house is the 7th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 7th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 7th house is also called the Kalatra Sthan (the house of your wife/spouse/relationships). This house is of utmost importance since it represents one of the most important aspects of one's life. One's life partner is someone with whom you share a lot of things, and some of them you don't share with anyone else in this world. So, it is very necessary that the lord of 7th house is in good position and it must be taken into consideration only 2nd to 1st house. One must definitely work towards strengthening the lord of 7th house. 

The 7th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Your life partner/spouse etc.
2. Your relationships in general
3. Partnerships and Business (people other than the native and native's relationship with them)
4. Friends and specifically the world in which you move around
5. Large intestine, rectum, uterus, ovaries and testes
6. Prostate gland, seminal vesicle, urethra, anal canal, and semen
7. Sexual union
8. Influence, success and reputation in foreign travels.

It is through the 7th house that the native perceives other people. During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 7th house, you will see the above significations of 7th house, taking prominence in your life. The number of planets present in 7th house can actually indicate the number of people with whom you can have a 'serious' relationship. The prediction of marriage/serious relationship can also be done by looking at the master of 7th house, its dasa, antardasa or any planet affecting it or 7th house. The same is valid for transits too. The relationships are also considered via the divisional chart D9. The 7th house in D9 will indicate the nature of your partner. It will also indicate the stability of your relationship.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 6

The sixth house is the 6th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 6th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 5th house is also called the Shatru Sthan (the house of enemies/diseases). In order to be free of diseases and enemies the lord of this house, must be, as compared to that of ascendant Lord, be less strong. 

The 6th house mostly signifies the following:

1. Enemies
2. Diseases, wounds, injuries, operations
3. Service, debts and litigation
4. Struggle in general, obstacles, disagreements, divorces.
5. Small intestine, appendix, kidney, upper ureter
6. Mental agony, phlegmatic, poison
7. Eye disease
8. Tuber culosis and eruptive diseases (such as small pox) and tumors, ulcers and inflammations
9. Mother's younger brother

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 6th house, you will see the above significations of 6th house, taking prominence in your life. If a malefic such as Mars, Sun, Saturn or Rahu is present in 6th house, the native will defeat his enemies easily. If Rahu is present, the native will have stomach related problems.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Navratri in April, 2013

This year Navratri is starting from April 10-11. So following are the links that you might want to read once again, just in case:

Please note the exact timings as below:

In India the Shukla Pratipata (the first date of the month of Chaitra) will start around 5 pm on 10th April, 2013, while in the United States (CST) it will start at around 6 am on April 10, 2013. It will start at around 12 noon GMT on the 10th April, 2013. So, between these countries, please find the exact date and time. Also, please refer to the local priest for confirmation.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Houses of your Vedic chart...House 5

The fifth house is the 5th from ascendant when counted anti-clockwise. If the master of 5th house is present in exaltation or in own house, specially if in center (1,4,7,10) or in trine (1,5,9), it will give native good results. The 5th house is also called the Santan Sthan (the house of progeny). If the native has strong master of 5th house, he/she will have talented and bright children. The children will be obedient and will be greatly attached to the native. Besides the 5th house, we also consider the divisional chart D7 for happiness from kids and their future etc. 

The 5th house mostly signifies the following:

1. The children of the native
2. Romance in life of native
3. Spiritual grace, 
4. Virtues from previous lives,
5. Heart, upper abdomen, stomach, liver
6. Gall bladder, spleen, mind, thinking, pancreas.
7. Pregnancy

During the dasa, antardasa of the Lord of 5th house, you will see the above significations of 5th house, taking prominence in your life. Most of the time the prediction of birth is kids is taken as per timing relaed to dasa of 5th lord or planets aspecting/influencing the 5th house/lord. We must also consider D7 for such predictions.