Even though the subject says about stability, I will write also about the combinations of successful and happy marriages. It does not matter whether whether you had a love marriage or an arranged marriage, you can seek happiness in your marriage/relationship, because everyone deserves to be happy. All relationships have problems, mainly because there are two individuals involved, with two opinions on a single point of attention, so it is normal to have problems in married life, but finally something which can help you is your faith in each other and also, love for each other!
I am not going to talk about separation here!
Now percolating down to combinations which give a stable and happy marriage; they are as follows:
1. The strength of master of Lord of 7th house is biggest determiner as far as happiness in marriage is considered.
2. If the master of 7th house is weak, in an enemy's house, under influence of malefic planets, definitely, you are going to see problems in your relationships in general, specially in love relationships.
3. If the master of 7th house is in 6th house (12th from 7th) or in 12th house, then it will bring at least some loss in your married life.
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