Coming to Devaguru Jupiter, well, I have always laid importance of its presence in center. So, I will explain the special aspect of Jupiter with its presence in 1st house in Cancer where it is exalted. Some kids with this configuration will be born when Jupiter will be exalted from Jun 19, 2014 for one whole year. That will be a real good time for people born under Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio signs. The special aspect for Jupiter is explained in the below diagram.
So Jupiter showers its blessings over houses 1 (where it is located), house 5 (the house of children), house 7 (house of your spouse) and house 9 (house of luck). During the major/minor period of Jupiter and when Jupiter transits these houses, you can see special events such as birth of a child (house 5), marriage (house 7) or may be higher education (house 9). Well, actually if Jupiter is present in houses 1,4,5,7, 9,10 it does influence the native to go for higher studies and such a Jupiter takes care of several negative things which actually do not happen! Such is the blessing of the Devaguru. Also, When you will run through Jupiter major/minor period you might actually find a true adviser/Guru in your life, may be someone who will change the direction of the course of your life!